Shingle Types
How do I choose a shingle? What’s the difference between an architectural or designer shingle and a standard shingle?
Just like choosing a car, the overriding factor in selecting a roofing shingle is knowing whether your primary goal is function only, or function plus aesthetics. With a car, you know whether you want a sporty, knock-em-dead car or a practical sedan with room for several passengers. It’s the same with roofing shingles.

Since the early 1900’s, the three-tab or strip shingle was the standard composition shingle installed on single family residences. These products come with 20, 25 and 30 year warranty coverage. Color is about the only appearance differentiation in this class of shingle. In 1965, the first architectural or designer shingle hit the market. The standard laminated “dragon-tooth” design followed that. Today, the architectural shingle class is running away with the market. Warranties range up to 40 years and even lifetime. Color is no longer the only choice to make. The many textures, forms and designs of architectural shingles in the marketplace can result in a major aesthetic upgrade for your home.
Shingles are not just for keeping out the rain anymore.